
The Prairie Ridge Jr Wolves Football and Cheer organization is a feeder program for Prairie Ridge High School Athletics.  Our football coaching staff works closely with the high school staff and administration to enable an easy and successful transition from youth programming to high school sports. 

Our Vision: Develop youth within the Prairie Ridge High School boundaries to achieve success through teamwork, sportsmanship, and character building that will guide them both on and off the field/mat and in our community.

Our Mission: The Prairie Ridge Jr Wolves Football and Cheerleading organization was founded in 2007 and is committed to providing an opportunity for every youth athlete. The pillars of our organization are Hard Work, Character, Sportsmanship, and Discipline.

Our Goals: To build teams that excel on the field/mat, achieve in the classroom, and positively impact our schools and community. We will achieve this by:

  • Promote the value of participation in youth sports as a wholesome environment for the challenge of competition, the joy of victory, the reality of defeat, the importance of commitment, and the spirit of community and teamwork.
  • Build Character—We will coach and play with class at all times.  We expect all players to show respect for their coaches, teammates, and opponents.
  • Standards of Conduct—Coaches and players are held to the highest standard of conduct to foster sportsmanship, integrity, self-esteem, discipline, and ethical behavior.
  • Instill Responsibility—Academics come first.  Work needs to be done before football.
  • Prepare each player for high school athletics by teaching the rules, proper contact, safety techniques, and fundamentals.
  • Promote safe play by teaching proper techniques, leveraging data, and enforcing play within the rules.

Core Values:

  • Encourage a love of the game by providing a well-structured youth athletic program that is fun for all involved.
  • Teach the lessons that youth tackle football and cheerleading is uniquely designed to promote, such as:
  • Teamwork and sportsmanship
  • Discipline and commitment
  • Personal responsibility and growth
  • Respect for self and authority.
  • Success is earned through hard work and dedication.
  • Respect and encourage the role of parents in the development of their children
  • Encourage citizenship and promotion of community
  • Stimulate healthful recreation through athletics
  • Build self-confidence and a sense of self-worth

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