
Junior Wolves Participant Policies

Program policies have been implemented to complement our registration system. Please ensure that you are familiar with all program policies, as you will be signing off on them during your registration session.

Policy Contacts

Please use this page to contact the appropriate Board Member regarding program policies.


Equipment & Uniform Issue Policy

The JR Wolves have established an equipment issue policy to facilitate the organization and maintenance of our expensive equipment inventory.

         a. You are not registered through the RAMP Registration system.
                 i. You must be registered.
                ii. You must be weighed in at least 1 time. 
                iii. Your account MUST be paid in FULL

         b. A deposit check of $450 is required before equipment is handed out.
                i. Checks are securely held until equipment is returned.
                ii. If equipment is not returned during scheduled turn in dates, the organization reserves the right to cash the security deposit check as a form of payment for equipment that was not returned.

          c. For tackle and flag football, the organization will do its best to accommodate all number requests. However, we are unable to guarantee that your athlete will receive the number of their choice.***

         a. You are not registered through the RAMP Registration system.
                 i. You must be registered.
                ii. Your account MUST be paid in FULL

         b. A deposit check of $150 for Mascot is required before uniform is handed out.
                i. Checks are securely held until uniform is returned.
                ii. If uniform is not returned during scheduled turn in dates, the organization reserves the right to cash the security deposit check as a form of payment for uniform that was not returned.

 IMPORTANT: Athletes WILL NOT BE ISSUED equipment/uniforms should your account not be paid in full and completely registered.

 IMPORTANT: If your athlete does not have equipment, participation in combine will not be allowed.


Policy Notes

Registration must be completed before equipment is issued. Your account must be paid in FULL before equipment is issued.


Program Contacts

Alan Katz - Director OF Equipment

Adam Ebert- Vice President

Video & Photo Release Policy


Parents, Jr Wolves staff (Coaches, Team Moms, etc.) may Video and/or Photograph athletes participating in any Jr Wolves game, practice, gathering or other TCYFL event or activity individually or in groups.  The videos and/or photographs may appear in Jr Wolves promotion, publicity or website content.
The Video & Photo Release Policy States:

  1. All participants, registered parents or guardians, athletes and related persons to the Jr Wolves Program:
    1. Consent to having their picture or video taken or appear (unbeknownst to them) in said photos or videos.
    2. Release the Jr Wolves Program from any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, infringement of moral rights or copyright of all photographs and/or videos in question.
  2. The Jr Wolves Program and its appointed officials shall not use any photo or video for uses other than promotion, publicity or website content of the program.
  3. IMPORTANT: Policy Integration
    1. This policy runs parallel to the Code of Conduct Policy.


Code of Conduct

The following Code of Conduct Policy is in place to keep and withhold the program to the highest ethical standards and is required and expected by all participants and athletes.

The Code of Conduct Policy States:

  1. I hereby pledge to provide positive support and encouragement for my athlete and coaches in the Jr Wolves Program, by following these ethical policies.
    1. Code of Ethics Pledge:
      1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all athletes, coaches and officials at every game, practice and special event.
      2. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my athlete ahead of a personal desire to win.
      3. I will insist that my athlete play in a safe and healthy environment.
      4. I will support coaches and officials working with my athlete, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience. 
      5. I will demand a sports environment for my athlete that is free of drugs, tobacco and alcohol and will refrain from their use at all Jr Wolves events, games, practices or gatherings.
      6. I will remember that the game is for youth - not adults.
      7. I will do my very best to make this experience fun for my athlete and other participants.
      8. I will, along with my athlete, treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, ability.
      9. Any parent that has been suspended by any of our governing league bodies (TCYFL, IRCA, etc.) (regardless of previous organization affiliation), is not eligible to coach with the Jr Wolves Football and Cheerleading organization.
    2. Social Media Pledge:
      1. I will, along with my athlete, use discretion while using social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram...) with respect to the Jr Wolves Program and the TCYFL program and its participants.
      2. I will not post comments, pictures, opinions, reviews, remarks or any other degrading or judgmental information regarding any team, player, coach, referee, judge or other participant within the entire TCYFL program.
      3. I will, as a parent or guardian, do my best to ensure that these practices are restricted by myself and or my athlete.
      4. I will as a parent, guardian, coach or other authoritative person attempt to address and inform athletes, squads, teams or individuals regarding these actions with respect to social media.
    3. Video & Photo Release Policy integration:
      1. The above pledges also include the photographs and videos that are described in the Video & Photo Release Policy.


Player Placement Policy

The objective of the player placement process is to assign each athlete to a team that is suitable to his or her individual talent level. Each athlete will go through an evaluation process (usually during combine) conducted by all level head coaches. Based on these evaluations, the players will be placed on a Big10 (Sunday), MAC or PAC team (Saturday).

The Tackle Football Placement Policy States:

A.     By registering my athlete to participate in the Jr Wolves Tackle Football Program, I understand he or she will be placed on a Big10 (Sunday), MAC or PAC (Saturday) team.

  1. I acknowledge the Jr Wolves coaching staff will make all final decisions related to team placements.
  2. IMPORTANT: BIG-10 (Sunday) Selection
    1. I acknowledge and understand that should my son or daughter be selected to participate at the BIG 10 Level, and there are conflicts regarding this selection that could prohibit full participation, as a parent I can request to “Opt Up”, or move from the current level to the next higher level of play. This would result in a PAC-10 placement of my athlete.


Healthy Player Policy

It is imperative that all health concerns regarding the athlete that you are registering are known by the Jr Wolves Program. In cases where an emergency comes up, knowing as much as possible about the athlete may save his or her life.

The Healthy Player Policy States:

  1. I will, as a parent or legal guardian of the athlete I am registering, regardless of level, make known to the Jr Wolves program all medical issues, conditions, medications and other pertinent information regarding the health and physical wellbeing of the athlete.
  2. I understand that all medical information that I provide will be kept confidential by the program and will not be used for any purpose other than to provide critical information to the staff upon medical emergencies or observed indications.


Waiver and Release Policy

As parent/legal guardian of a participant or athlete, you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries your athlete might sustain arising out of this program.

The Waiver and Release Policy States:

  1. Acknowledgment of Risk of Injury Clause
    1. As parent/legal guardian of this participant or athlete in the program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, including death, damages or loss which the participant may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with such program
  2. Waiver of Claim for Injury Clause
    1. As parent/legal guardian of this participant or athlete, I agree to waive and relinquish all claims the participant may have as a result of participating in the program against the Jr Wolves and its officers, agents, servants and employees.
  3. Release from Liability Clause
    1. As parent/legal guardian of this participant or athlete, I do hereby fully release and discharge the JR Wolves and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damage or loss which the participant may have or which may occur to me on account of my participation in the program.
  4. Indemnity and Defense Clause
    1. As parent/legal guardian of this participant or athlete, I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the Jr Wolves and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages and losses sustained by me and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of the program.


Refund Policy

A Refund Policy has been implemented for the Jr Wolves Program to include our new online payment system. All programs (Tackle Football, Flag Football, Cheer and Mascot Cheer) now maintain the same Refund Policy.

The Refund Policy States:

  1. ALL refund requests are made to the Treasurer and MUST be initiated via the online 'Refund Request Form'
  2. ALL refunds will be issued via the RAMP online system back the Credit Card that was used for payment.
  3. An online processing fee of $20 will be deducted from ALL issues of refunds.
  4. Competition Cheer uniform fees ($300) and cheer camp fees ($515) are NOT refundable.
  5. If applicable, the $50 fee for the athlete's jersey will be deducted from the issued refund.
  6. If applicable, the $25 late registration fee will be deducted from the issued refund.
  7. Refund Structure
    1. Requests received by May 31 - 100%
      1. minus $20 Processing, $50 Jersey (if applicable), and $25 Late Fee (if applicable)
    2. Requests received between June 1 and July 18 - 50%
      1. minus $20 Processing,  $50 Jersey (if applicable) and $25 Late Fee (if applicable)
    3. After July 18 NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED
  8. NOTE: Please allow up to two weeks to process and receive your refund.


Refund Policy Notes

  • Refunds must be submitted via the online request form ONLY.
  • REFUNDS ARE ISSUED BY RAMP back to the credit card that was used to pay.

Please use the 'Refund Request Form' below to submit a Refund request.


 Refund Request Form

 Please complete the form HERE



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